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  • info@lowe.org
  • 58220 Decatur Road, Cassopolis, MI 49031

When Good Deeds Run Afoul

Digital Library > Operations and Technology > Suppliers “When Good Deeds Run Afoul” Ice cream manufacturer Ben & Jerry’s has a reputation for being a socially responsible business. But it learned — the hard way — to proceed with caution when combining benevolence with business. For example, co-founder Ben Cohen learned of a bakery that hired the homeless and used…

Simplicity Sells: The Unplugged Moment

Digital Library > Defining and Serving a Market > Business conditions “Simplicity Sells: The Unplugged Moment” Today our lives are divided into two realms. Part of the day is spent in the Internet world, where we’re working as fast as we can, as hard as we can. Yet when we’re not in high gear, we want to completely "unplug" and…

How Effective Hiring Practices Can Propel Business Growth

Digital Library > Human Resources Management > Interviewing job applicants “How Effective Hiring Practices Can Propel Business Growth” There are ways to probe a job candidate, obtain essential information to make an informed decision, and not violate the law in the process. This article will help your company find the perfect candidate legally. Know the law before conducting any job…