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  • info@lowe.org
  • 58220 Decatur Road, Cassopolis, MI 49031

Focus on Fitness for a Better Bottom Line

“Focus on Fitness for a Better Bottom Line”

Want a healthier bottom line? Invest in your workers’ health.

Corporations are doing a lackluster job of managing employees’ health, say 40% of human resource executives in top companies surveyed by Towers Perrin.

Heart disease, stress and depression will have increasing impact on the effectiveness of American workers and executives in the next five to 10 years.

Studies have shown an immediate return for promoting an active lifestyle — up to $2 to $5 for every $1 invested.

Take an interest in employees’ health by bringing in informative speakers, sponsoring awareness programs, adding health club facilities or picking up membership fees to a local health club.

Writer: Tom Truman