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  • info@lowe.org
  • 58220 Decatur Road, Cassopolis, MI 49031

Something to Be Said for Redheads

“Something to Be Said for Redheads”

Quick, now. What color dominates the product packaging of big-name consumer goods marketers?

Coca-Cola, Campbell’s, Oscar Mayer and Betty Crocker all rely on red, red and more red to tempt customers at the point of purchase. In the food arena, at least, red has a proven track record for "appetite appeal" and warmth. And marketers generally regard red as "an uplifting, positive color," even though it can communicate danger.

Tip: If you suspect your product or service isn’t getting the attention it deserves, test red in combination with another "signature" color in packaging and promotions. It just might help your products stand out and take off.

Source: Entrepreneur Magazine online, 1998-1999.