• 800-232-LOWE (5693)
  • info@lowe.org
  • 58220 Decatur Road, Cassopolis, MI 49031

Our programs

Entrepreneurship programs at the Edward Lowe Foundation are designed to accelerate growth for second-stage companies. Each program delivers value on its own but become even more powerful when combined. They enable business owners to continue to reach their peak potential.


The Companies to Watch awards program recognizes high-performing second-stage businesses not only for revenue growth and job creation, but also for special strengths, such as innovation, corporate culture and serving their communities.

Leader Retreats

Held at Big Rock Valley, our 2,000-acre learning campus in southwest Michigan, our leader retreats enable busy entrepreneurs to step away from daily distractions and focus on growing their businesses.

CEO Roundtables

Available in both virtual and in-person formats, our PeerSpectives roundtables enhance leadership abilities and improve decision-making for second-stage business owners by providing a confidential arena to discuss sensitive issues.

Strategic research

A virtual program, our System for Integrated Growth enables second-stage CEOs to work with a team of business experts and get strategic information and best practices on specific growth issues, whether external or inside the walls of their company.


The American Academy of Entrepreneurs pairs seasoned entrepreneurs with business owners who have entered second stage more recently. The mentoring program enables participants to give back, learn from other leaders, and grow their networks and businesses.

Entrepreneur in Residence

This by-invitation retreat program gives second-stagers a chance to unplug from their businesses and spend three days and two nights at Big Rock Valley to recharge and reflect on important issues in their personal and professional lives.

Succession planning

The Legacy Council is a one-year program for a select group of entrepreneurs who have either exited their companies or are near that stage and is designed to help them focus on the next phase of the entrepreneurial journey.

Entrepreneur Emeritus

An initiative in which we collaborate directly with highly experienced entrepreneurs to enhance existing programs and explore new opportunities. Our goal is to ensure our suite of programs is for entrepreneurs by entrepreneurs.

Climbing the Edward Lowe mountain

The mountain is a metaphor we use to explain how entrepreneurs access our programs. A second-stage entrepreneur typically enters our suite of services by coming to a leadership retreat or joining a roundtable. As we get to know them better and what issues they need help with, we’re able to refer them into other programs. The summit of the mountain is becoming an Entrepreneur Emeritus and helping others with their ascent up the mountain.