• 800-232-LOWE (5693)
  • info@lowe.org
  • 58220 Decatur Road, Cassopolis, MI 49031

Why Join?

If you’re considering a roundtable, ask yourself what you’d be missing out on: Peer connections with other business leaders who understand you. Best practices on issues you’re facing from those who have gone through it. Dedicated time to work “on” your business. Read further to gain more.
Master the Protocol, Enhance Productivity, and Transform.

Benefits of Joining a PeerSpectives Roundtable

Advantages of attending a PeerSpectives roundtable

What topics are discussed in a typical roundtable?

The topics are as varied as the individuals who attend a session. Typical issues revolve around the non-rational decisions a leader must make, such as:

Case Studies

Learn how second-stage entrepreneurs have benefited from attending PeerSpectives roundtables. Both virtual and in-person tables are represented.

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