• 800-232-LOWE (5693)
  • info@lowe.org
  • 58220 Decatur Road, Cassopolis, MI 49031

Louisiana AAE

Our American Academy of Entrepreneurs (AAE) launched  in Louisiana in July 2020 with 16 entrepreneurs in partnership with Louisiana Economic Development. Since then a total of 44 individuals in three cohorts have been inducted. 

Lasting relationships developed because of this program, including mentor-mentee pairs like Rob Wise and Zach Raley, who attributes their deep friendship to AAE. LED’s fourth cohort will be inducted in spring 2024.

2023 Inductees

Jason Bergeron
Stratify/Technology Professionals LLC

Jim Blazek
Leaaf Environmental LLC

Lyla Corkern
Finding Solace

Terri Dreyer

Dan Ducote
Enginuity Global LLC

Shanna Felker
Geaux Above LLC

John Herrin
Nu-Worx LLC

Leo Holzenthal Jr.
M.S. Benbow and Associates Professional Engineering Corp.

Luz Lobos
Synergy Design Group Inc.

Dalia Matheus
Global Management Enterprise LLC

Chad Meaux
Fire & Safety Specialists 


Missy Rogers    
Noble Plastics Inc.

Lawrence Salone
Post Trauma Institute of LA

Jennifer Simpson
Bespoke Experiences

Gregg   Thompson
Ratcliff Development

Renita Williams Thomas
In Loving Arms Pediatric Day Health Center


2022 Inductees

Arthur Boisfontaine
Crystal Clear Imaging

Peter Boylan
Ballard Brands

Simone Bruni
Demo Diva Demolition

Christopher Cantrall
New Orleans Perspectives

Amy Boyle Collins
Gambel Communications

Vince Gremillion

Christopher Hebert
Aristotle’s Alexander

Ben Johnson
Techneaux Technology Services

Drew Mire

Evon Roquemore
Brightside Clinic

Chad Theriot
CBM Technology

Chester Wilson
Pelican Defense Technologies

2021 Inductees

Thomas Brown
E-Claim.com LLC

Rodney Greenup Jr.
Greenup Industries

Leo J. Holzenthal Jr.
M. S. Benbow and Associates

Tyler LeCompte
Confetti Momma

Sandra Lovett-Tillman
aVeriFact LLC

Kristi Matthews
K-Belle Consultants LLC

Hilton Nicholson
CyberReef Solutions

Zach Raley
Utiliserve LLC

Lakeisha Robichaux
Chief of Minds

Jaci Russo

Jennifer Simpson
Bespoke Experiences

Brandon Smith
Flexicrew Technical Services

Iviana Stewart
SolScapes LLC

Edna Turner
Bulldog Services LLP

Rob Wise

Flynn Zaiger
Online Optimism LLC