• 800-232-LOWE (5693)
  • info@lowe.org
  • 58220 Decatur Road, Cassopolis, MI 49031

PeerSpectives® licensing​

A PeerSpectives license gives you the ability to run an unlimited number of roundtables in an area of your choice. Facilitator training for one person is included in each first-year license, and access to online resources will help you market your table and keep it going. Contact us to learn more.

Kayla Storlid

CEO, Kayla’s Custom Cleaning LLC in Madison, Wisconsin

Your pathway to unlimited roundtable sessions, equipped facilitation, and ongoing support!

Empower. Lead. Succeed.

A PeerSpectives license empowers you to host as many roundtables as you desire within your preferred location. Each initial yearly license also comes with facilitator training for one individual, ensuring you are well-equipped to lead effective sessions. Additionally, you’ll have access to a wealth of online resources to assist in promoting and sustaining your roundtables.

How do I get started running a PeerSpectives table?

Contact us to see if PeerSpectives is a good fit for you. We’ll ask about your roundtable goals, your target audience and get you prepared for taking this program on.


When ready, you’ll receive a license to execute, including reviewing, signing and making payment. Within weeks of the facilitator training session, you’ll receive registration instructions and an invoice to cover additional trainees as appropriate.


After training and passing an exam, you’ll be ready to facilitate a roundtable! You’ll also gain access to an online resource that contains marketing and onboarding materials for your prospects.

Along the way, we’ll be in contact to invite you to quarterly facilitator peer group sessions, which are conducted virtually.

How do I get started running a PeerSpectives table?

Annual licenses and related services:

* First-year licenses include training for one person at no additional cost. “Training with a license” fee above applies to additional trainees or repeat attendees.


** Training for professional development purposes is available for those without a license. Because a PeerSpectives license is required to run roundtables, contact us if facilitation opportunities arise in the future. Refunds are not available.

Where may I operate PeerSpectives roundtables?

You will be asked to define a territory for the license; however, these boundaries are generally flexible. For example, you may identify a city, county/counties, region within a state (e.g., “northeastern California”) or region within the country (e.g., “southwest United States”).

Licenses are non-exclusive. If a licensee is located in an area you wish to serve, we will introduce you to foster collaboration.

Licenses are available to serve U.S. domestic entities and individuals only.

How do I find roundtable members?

Licensees who launch roundtables successfully tend to have current relationships with potential participants, either as existing clients or through partnerships with organizations who maintain those relationships.

I want to offer a PeerSpectives table but don’t have a facilitator. What should I do?

Consider asking a colleague, staff member or community supporter to serve as a facilitator. They may be trained under your license for an additional fee. Or, contact us to find trained facilitators in your area who may be willing to run your tables as an independent contractor. Regardless of who facilitates your roundtable, be sure to attend the facilitator training yourself to pick up invaluable knowledge about the PeerSpectives process and be better able to market your tables.

I’m a trained PeerSpectives facilitator, but it’s not feasible to have a license of my own. Can I still run a table?

You can still practice your craft. Here are suggestions:
Contact current licensees in your area to offer your services.
Contact organizations that are a good fit for PeerSpectives and encourage them to operate a license; offer to serve as their facilitator.
If we hear from a current licensee wishing to hire an independent facilitator, we may contact you. Let us know if you’re interested.

My clients are smaller than second stage. Can they benefit from PeerSpectives too?

PeerSpectives Roundtables for the Emerging Second Stager (PRESS) suits the needs of small business owners who are on the cusp of second stage. Current licensees are invited to use this approach if serving this audience.

PRESS combines interaction with a business expert with a peer-to-peer roundtable that uses the PeerSpectives methodology. Simply put, the difference is a change in the agenda, where you start the session with the business expert, take a break, then proceed to the private roundtable segment.

This approach is ideal for owners of high-potential first-stage companies on the cusp of becoming a second-stage company. Ideal participants are owners of first-stage companies with three to nine employees and about $500,000 or more in annual revenue. The leader may not have led a company to this point before and does not have a wealth of experience to draw from.


PeerSpectives benefits our organization in a variety of ways. For one thing, it’s enabled me to get in front of people I might not see otherwise and introduce them to additional SBDC resources.

— Ryan Kauth, director of the Wisconsin SBDC at University of Wisconsin-Green Bay