• 800-232-LOWE (5693)
  • info@lowe.org
  • 58220 Decatur Road, Cassopolis, MI 49031

This program is exceptional in

“This program is exceptional in that it takes a team of highly trained business developers and makes them available to me as additional staff on loan for my own research into competition, markets and offerings to expand my business capabilities. The efficiency of these program hours and the results of their research have saved invaluable time for me and my…

Armstrong’s Secret Weapon: Creativity

[vc_row full_width=”” parallax=”” parallax_image=””][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text] When advised to “loosen up,” a sales manager at Armstrong International dreamed up an imaginative Christmas card: He was photographed in a Santa Claus suit sitting on a pump trap — one of the company’s core products. The card generated more response from customers than had a previous promotional mailer, prompting the manager to continue…

High-touch high tech: MSS Technologies

As a management consultant for a Big 8 firm, Mike Hawksworth was a seasoned road warrior. Then in 1986, tired of living out of a suitcase and wanting to spend more time with his family, he launched MSS Technologies. Yet Hawksworth wasn’t content to be a lifestyle entrepreneur — he wanted to create a lifestyle growth company.