• 800-232-LOWE (5693)
  • info@lowe.org
  • 58220 Decatur Road, Cassopolis, MI 49031

Working With an Advisory Board

Advisers with special knowledge and expertise can help you resolve specific problems or develop aspects of your business that can open up new avenues for growth. The key is knowing who to ask for advice, how to work with advisers, and when to take their advice seriously.

‘Tough Sales,’ ‘Big Growth,’ ‘We’re Dying’

Digital Library > Defining and Serving a Market > Business conditions “‘Tough Sales,’ ‘Big Growth,’ ‘We’re Dying’” As we approach the new millennium, what are entrepreneurs thinking about? Where do they see their businesses going? Computer Repair: "Hardware and software sales are tough. We are trying to get away from that but it’s not easy. We have to offer more…