• 800-232-LOWE (5693)
  • info@lowe.org
  • 58220 Decatur Road, Cassopolis, MI 49031

More value for your time

The leader retreat helps you answer the vital questions you face as the owner, CEO or president of a growing second-stage company. Beautiful, away-from-the-day-to-day Big Rock Valley provides just the right setting for you to examine — reflectively and with input from your peers — your true level of leadership. How does your leadership style affect you, your people and your company? How do you identify and build on strengths that will help you lead your company with greater insight and inspiration? Leader retreats at Big Rock Valley can lead you to the answers.

60 Second Leader Retreat

The leader retreat helps you answer the vital questions you face as the owner, CEO or president of a growing second-stage company. Beautiful, away-from-the-day-to-day Big Rock Valley provides just the right setting for you to examine — reflectively and with input from your peers — your true level of leadership. How does your leadership style affect you, your people and your company? How do you identify and build on strengths that will help you lead your company with greater insight and inspiration? Leader retreats at Big Rock Valley can lead you to the answers.