Jackie Mortell of Smart Solutions Inc.
“Even if I haven’t experienced the challenge being presented, it’s something I might confront someday, and I always learn something,” says Jackie Mortell, co-founder of Smart Solutions Inc.
“Even if I haven’t experienced the challenge being presented, it’s something I might confront someday, and I always learn something,” says Jackie Mortell, co-founder of Smart Solutions Inc.
“Peer learning expands the possibility of how you do things,” says Danny Hao. “It gives you a clearer picture in how to run your business moving forward.”
Participating in a PeerSpectives CEO roundtable hosted by the University of Wisconsin-Extension has been instrumental in helping Kayla Storlid scale her business.
Stage 1 business leaders can also benefit from the PeerSpectives methodology. Hear what two graduates of GrowFL’s inaugural Stage 1 roundtable have to say.
“There’s great value in seeing that I’m not the only one with a problem and my reasoning is very similar to other business owners,” says Lynn Potyen
“Right off the bat, I was pleasantly surprised,” says Jeff Wood. “There are no frills, no fluff. It’s candid conversation with other business owners — responses that I wouldn’t find in any book.”
Richard Milam says his roundtable members hold nothing back — a sharp contrast to consultants with a specific viewpoint or employees who may be reticent to criticize the boss’s ideas.
“Instead of being immersed in the day-to-day problems, the roundtable allows me to take action on bigger issues to drive growth,” explains Pacer Group’s John Swiatkowski.
Richard Rogers values the diverse talent in his roundtable. “I’m getting face-to-face exposure to sales and accounting issues, areas I’m currently working on, and the group helps me fill in gaps.”