• 800-232-LOWE (5693)
  • info@lowe.org
  • 58220 Decatur Road, Cassopolis, MI 49031

John Anders of Levare and Anders Construction

John Anders discusses the evolution of Anders Construction, his Louisiana-based commercial diving and marine services business. Anders says that programs co-hosted by the Edward Lowe Foundation and Louisiana Economic Development have helped him innovate and create new jobs. Case in point: Levare, Anders’ new company, provides a more efficient and effective system to repair structural pilings on aging infrastructure.

Cherie Hebert

Cherie Hebert is a seasoned marketing strategist and founder of BBR Creative, a women-owned, WBENC-certified advertising, design and marketing firm based in Lafayette, Louisiana. Established in 1997, BBR specializes in branding, integrated marketing campaigns and digital marketing for B2C brands, with a focus on healthcare, home and lifestyle, food and beverage and financial services. Cherie’s leadership has helped BBR win…