Coping with fickle followers
Leadership is an art form that many dabble in, but few master. One of the things that makes it so challenging is what Robert Greene calls “the law of fickleness.”
Leadership is an art form that many dabble in, but few master. One of the things that makes it so challenging is what Robert Greene calls “the law of fickleness.”
Connection with others has always been a priority for me…and as COVID guidelines relax, one of the things I plan to do is to get on a plane and make up for lost time.
In “The Laws of Human Nature,” author Robert Greene provides a codebook for deciphering people’s behavior. In particular, I found his chapter on defensiveness interesting because of insights it can offer facilitators…
Reflecting back on her career, Colleen Killen-Roberts shares six lessons that have helped hone her leadership skills…
A question I frequently hear from business owners is “Why isn’t my company growing as fast as I want it to?” Yet perhaps a better starting point for this discussion is “What caused your company to grow in the first place?”
Recently I’ve been watching several videos that Ed and Darlene Lowe recorded in the early 1990s to both refine and document their vision for the Edward Lowe Foundation…
The more leaders can increase their metacognitive skills, the better decisions they can make for themselves and their companies…
Reexamining our mission has become a front-burner issue for me since I became chairman of our board of trustees a few months ago…
“On my wish list was marketing, marketing and more marketing,” says Linda Schlesinger-Wagner, Skinnytees founder. “The deliverables were beyond our wildest dreams.”
“Businesses get stuck a lot, and when that happens, you’ve got to go somewhere,” says Stephen Owen. “The SIG team brought tremendous value about specifics, action steps and follow-up.”